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Zoom Integration
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1.0 Overview
The pivot Zoom application integrates Zoom Rooms into the pivot to gain access to asset management, 24/7 monitoring, real-time alerts and advanced analytics to improve service. With this application, you can create or connect an existing dynamic account and map existing Zoom Rooms for managing dynamic AV services.
2.0 Prerequisite
A minimum of Zoom Business account
Zoom admin privileges are required during configuration
At least one Zoom room to be mapped
A pivot account with admin privileges
3.0 Zoom Portal
- Before turning on the Zoom pivot integration, it is required to enable all alerts in the Zoom admin portal.
- Once Zoom admin portal is open, in the left side menu go to “ADMIN”, “Room Management”, “Zoom Rooms” and then from the top menu select “Account Settings”.
- Select the “Alert tab and then enable all available alerts for “Client Alert Settings” and “Notification Settings” as shown below.
4.0 Connecting Your Zoom Integration to pivot
- To start connecting your Zoom Rooms into pivot, first log in and navigate into your integrations as an admin.
- Click on Connect for your Zoom Integration Card.
- On the popup window, Click Connect and you will be redirected to the Zoom Website login page.
- Once you log in, a request for the following permissions will be passed to you:
- Clicking Allow will grant pivot the required permissions and you will be redirected back to pivot, with a new pop-up window advising a successful connected integration like the one below:
- Click Continue Mapping, or if you have closed the window, navigate back to the integrations and click on Manage in your Zoom integration card.
- Next you can start connecting your Zoom room to your existing pivot rooms. In the example below you can see 101 Zoom Room in the cards below. You can adjust your pivot location and Zoom Location if you have multiple locations in either platform to match.
8.Click in the “Select a Zoom Room” search bar and start typing in the name of the room you are looking to connect from Zoom. You should see your room appear in the drop down list below the seachbar. If it’s not showing, please check to make sure the location for your Zoom Room is correct at the top of the screen.
9. Once Selected, click on “Manage”.
10. Now a pop-up window will appear with all the equipment located in this Zoom Room. Confirm/Select the in the Zoom Drop Down, and the device you would like to map this to in the pivot Dropdown.
It will show you below the asset information between the two devices, and will overwrite the asset information in pivot. Make sure that the device you are mapping into pivot matches the device you are pulling from Zoom (If MACs are different, you may be using the wrong device to pair). In this example, the Scheduling Panel does not have any asset information.
11. Select Batch Overwrite and Yes to confirm, and the asset information will be copied over into pivot as shown below.
12. Now the assets are good to go, select Map to connect the devices and it will appear in the Mapped devices table.
13. Select Save when you are done with mapping this room.
14. Repeat the process to all your rooms you wish to map. Once done, press the save button on this page to finalize your changes.
15. Once Saved, the rooms that have mappings will be moved over to the Mapped rooms tab.